Have some fun!
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Christmas bazaar
over 2 years ago, Heidi Skinner
If your student has not had hot lunch this year, they are missing out! Kari Bento is doing amazing things in the kitchen! We are also so glad to have Raylene Hughes back working with us! Mrs. Nelson has been volunteering nearly every day to help our lunch go smooth. Thanks lunch crew!
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Education resources for your family! This opportunity benefits Idaho students, kindergarten though grade 12. The application window is open! For more information, please email: empoweringparents.idaho.gov
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Hansen Schools is looking to recognize LOCAL VETERANS at the High Schools breakfast and assembly November 10th. Please contact studentcouncil@hansenschools.org with name and address for a formal invitation.
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Hansen High School is proud to announce that our school is launching a new initiative. 'SchoolPulse' is a Positive Psychology tool that your student has access to. Please read attached letter for more information. *This is geared towards high school students but appropriate for middle school.
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Liz Letters
Congrats to our 4-6th graders for winning 42-6
over 2 years ago, Heidi Skinner
September 14
Reminder for jr/sr high school students, tomorrow is HAT DAY for just a $1!! 🤠
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Little Huskies flag football
over 2 years ago, Heidi Skinner
K-2 flag football
K-2 flag football
K-2 flag football
Yesterday was picture day. If you would like to order pictures please go to addison.photo/HAN to place your order. If you would like to order sports pictures please go to addison.photo/HANH-SPORTS. Any questions please call or text Addison School Portraits 208-733-4522 or email info@addisonphoto.com.
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Wednesday, September 7th, our junior high football and volleyball teams were scheduled to play at 4PM in Shoshone. That game has been moved to a HOME game. Volleyball 4PM Football 4:30 PM Come support our athletes right here at home!!
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Jr/Sr High School Students - Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 6th is picture day! Both school pictures and sports pictures will be taken.
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Hansen Fans - Our new bleachers will not be finished for tonight's Varsity Football Game vs Murtaugh. Please bring lawn chairs to support and cheer on our Varsity Football team! Hansen fans will still be relocated to the WEST (new) side of the field. Game starts at 7PM!
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Thank you to our CHEERLEADERS for spreading Husky Pride and decorating our hallways and lockers.
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Cheer leaders
Cheer 2
Cheer 3
cheer 4
Hansen Athletics would like to say THANK YOU to all our sponsors! Thank you Mr. Lasso for working hard for our athletes.
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Hansen District would like to thank Mr. Campbell for hanging our new banners, Ms. White for taking amazing pictures, and Mrs. Skinner for creating the banners and getting this for our SENIORS!! Thank you!!
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
School Sports Banner 2
Hansen School District would like to thank Joe Ratto and Nate Heuvel for all their help installing the sleeves for the new goal posts. Our community is amazing!
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Football Posts
Football Posts 2
Hansen Athletics still has 20 bales of hay available and another batch coming soon. If you're interested, they are $15/bale. This is a fundraiser for Hansen Athletics. Please email Mr. Lasso if you're interested: jlasso@hansenschools.org
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
-Drivers ED- Hansen School District offers Drivers ED though SOS Driving School in Twin Falls. You will save $150 dollars going through the school. Steps on how to sign-up: 1) go to sosdriversed.com 2) scroll down, on the right hand side, there will be a list of classes in RED, pick one 3) that will take you to a registration page, fill that out and submit 4) scroll down, on the left hand side, there are three forms in RED you need to print and fill out 5) come to Tiff, ask her for the: Verification Of Compliance Slip 6) pay Tiff $275 for your DISCOUNTED price 7) head to the DMV Any questions, please ask Tiff, tconk@hansenschools.org
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk
Drivers Ed
Fan Cloth store is open now, for you to order your awesome Huskies Gear and support the cheerleaders!!!! Follow the link below: https://fancloth.shop/MFRXS?fbclid=IwAR3Y1uYp6Vt9wBsUJZ4-r8iq4O9FeU_-KS59YgOfl8FiY2M1PCuBPc39Qa4
over 2 years ago, Tiff Conk