Board Appreciation

In Idaho, June marks the annual observance of School Board Appreciation Month – a time to honor board members' vital role and dedication in their public service and celebrate public education.

In Hansen School District, school board members must develop policies and make tough decisions on complex educational and social issues impacting the entire community. They bear responsibility for an annual budget of over $5 million, three hundred thirty students, sixty-one employees, and four buildings. They carry out the truest representative government in our democracy – volunteer public service – and preserve public education.

We don't always recognize the dedication and hard work of these public servants elected to represent us and the interest of our children. Their hard work often goes unnoticed. When did you tell a public servant you value their contributions? During June, I encourage you to give thanks and recognition to our elected school board members. Ask how you might help support your local schools. Drop off cookies at June's board meeting. Write your school board members a thank you note. Let them know you appreciate what they do for students in Hansen!