Hansen Elementary School

350 Walnut Ave. E

Hansen, Idaho 83334

Phone: (208) 423-5593 Opt: 4
Fax: (208) 423-5934

Principal's Message

Heidi Skinner M. Ed.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.  At Hansen Elementary we love to celebrate growth and this is our focus for all of our students.  The staff at Hansen Elementary have high expectations and we know that every child can learn.  We hope you will follow our events and activities on the Hansen School District Facebook page.

My passion is ensuring all students receive a quality education.  I attended Hansen Elementary, Junior, and Senior High School and I am proud to say I am a Hansen graduate.  I graduated from the University of Idaho in May of 2000 with my bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and without hesitation I returned to the district I love to teach.  A few years later I received my master's degree from the University of Idaho in educational leadership.  The staff at Hansen Elementary is caring, innovative, and we are always willing to learn something new for the benefit of your child.

Thank you for entrusting your child with us as we embark on the journey together.  Please call or email me if you have any questions (208) 423-5475 x 2300 or email me at hskinner@hansenschools.org.

With kind regards,

Heidi Skinner M. Ed.
Elementary Principal

Hansen Early Learning Program H.E.L.P.

The Hansen Early Learning Program is a program for children from 3 to 5 years old. Children can be screened anytime during the school year after their third birthday. They must qualify for special services in one or more areas. These areas are social, fine and gross motor, adaptive, cognitive, speech and language. Each child has an individual plan that lists the goals that the child will work towards throughout the year. In addition to the goals in the plan, each child works from a list of skills that are appropriate for their age level and work toward the state core standards. Many of the skills will help them to be successful in kindergarten. The time spent at preschool is a balance of child directed and teacher directed projects. The mix is to bridge the gap between playing at home and coming to school. The goal of the program is to improve skills in all areas.

At the beginning of the school year some typically developing students are allowed in the program as peer models.

A "Child Find" screening is held in the Spring for the following school year and screenings are done once a month throughout the school year as needed. To have your child screened please call the school at 423-5475 to set up an appointment with Daneille Heuvel, Special Services Director.

Bell Schedule



Start of School


K-2 Morning Recess

10:00 - 10:15

3-6 Morning Recess

10:15 - 10:30

K-2 End of Lunch Recess


3 - 4 End of Lunch Recess


5 - 6 End of Lunch Recess


3 - 6 Specials

1:50 - 2:50

K - 2 Afternoon Recess

2:00 - 2:15

3 - 6 Afternoon Recess

2:50 - 3:00

K - 2 Specials

2:55 - 3:55

School Dismisses


Student Success Days

Student Success Day Hours: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Friday, September 13

Friday, October 11

Friday, November 8

Friday, December 13

Friday, January 17

Friday, February 7 

Friday, March 14

Friday, April 18

Friday, May 16

Elementary School Documents